Based Ingredients
• 2 pounds of ground corn cooked and not too soft
• 2 tbsp lard
For the Filling of Antioquia Tamales:
• 1 pound ground pork
• 1 pound ground pork chop
• 1/2 pound diced bacon
• 1 pound potatoes, peeled and chopped
• 2 carrots cooked and sliced
• 1 cup cooked peas
• 6 tomatoes reduced in size

How do antioqueños Tamales step

To make the mass of Tamales
1. Mix the dough with butter and a little water; knead until a smooth dough.
2. kept in the fridge, but when you decide to make tamales, must take the dough and leave at room temperature for a while before.
For the Filling of antiqueños tamales:
1. Place the ribs with meat, bacon, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cumin, achiote and salt, marinate in cold water, covering everything for an entire day.
2. It is advisable to put the mixture in the refrigerator.
3. The next day he added carrots and peas.
Preparation of the banana leaves:
1. Banana leaves or achira, are broken to pass through fire or boiling water.
2. The leaves were placed in a bowl, are becoming balls with the dough, which extend over the leaves, were placed in the center enough padding, and covered with the edges of the dough.
3. tamales are closed clasping leaf tips above, as a small package, are moored well

4. put-salt water cooking for three hours.

Interviewing a friend


Meily is the girlfriend of a friend. He studied psychology and works in Mc Donalds. He is a fighter and very beautiful little person, of brown skin and black hair.

What sport do you like to do?
My favorite sport is tennis
University where you study?
I study in San Buenaventura university
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is ice cream with Chantilly and food Mexican.
What will you do on your holidays?
Rest in my house, travel to Santa marta.
With whom you live?

I live with my mom.

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Recreation in my city



Excellent site located on the outskirts of Medellín, is reached by the underground cable, which makes the experience memorable, after spending 15 minutes on the forests of the region. There you can have: Walking in the forest, prehispanic trails, highways and experience in extreme sports.
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Barefoot Park

A place to be quiet, in peace and harmony.
A place where you can go with family, playing with water jets and give your feet a good massage with sand gardens, put your feet in the water and to have a pleasant moment of relaxation and thought.

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It exists as artistic corner over 100 years ago.
In 1977 the Museum was renamed and renamed Art Museum of Medellin, Francisco Antonio Zea. A year later, Fernando Botero donated his first works to the Museum and with this proposed change again its name to the Museum of Antioquia.

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My day starts at 6:00 am eating a fruit, then a bath, coffee and paint in one of my works until 9:00 or so, breakfast and head to the shop to work. Between 1:00 and 1:30 lunch and rest a bit to resume my work at 2:30. From 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm stem sculptures. At night pleasure of talking while watching a good program on television.

The rest day like reading a good book and visit the master Oscar Rojas and his wife.

My Family

This is my family

Hello, this is my family, and is made up of father, mother, two brothers and a nephew. And of course I do.

My father is short and self-employed; my mother is a woman with cinnamon skin and hair black as night, dedicated to beware; It is an extraordinary woman; my sister is what might be called a big, beautiful woman who is dedicated to taking care of your home, it's already been a great support in my life; my brother who is the youngest of the family, is tall and of medium build, study journalism but works for Airline Avianca in your Call Center, is absent in the picture but no less dear; and my only nephew who fondly call for "flea" just started studying.

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My personal interests

Every day I want to be better at what I do, I love my profession or trade, I am Master in Fine Arts. From a young age I decided to be a great artist and made that goal I go.

I work very hard at present to collect the works with which exposure'll do that will make me know in the artistic and social environment.

Of art that fascinates me is sculpture.

In painting I work a technique based asphalt tar that is my favorite. I show with pleasure the table when working on this technique with a format of 130 x 100 cms.

who i am?

NAME:  León Humberto García Cuadros
AGE:  I am 28 years old
NATIONALITY: I am from Medellín. I am Colombian
LIKES: I am passionate about pitura and sculpture
DISLIKES: can not stand clutter